ࡱ> 241c jbjbSS 011] $S RRRRRRRR,sg >RRRRR>fRRRfffR RR,,RffR>Ա\ What are requirements of Good Multiple Choice Items? The terms used to describe the two major parts of a multiple test are stem and choices. One choice should be correct, the others, called distractors should all be plausible. Multiple choice items should have one choice be the right answer and two or three alternatives, depending on the ages of your students. Each alternative should be plausible and one that a student who does not know the material might choose. Avoid throw-away, or ridiculous choices. Do not include funny choices or answers to other questions in your choices. Make the stem and choices grammatically parallel by not having a singular stem and several plural choices, or by following an with alternatives that begin with a consonant. Do not use none of the above as a right answer because it allows a student who does not know the answer to get it correct! So, if none of the above is never used as a correct answer, it loses attractiveness as a plausible distractor. A good way to collect good choices is to give a short answer test on the first day of a new chapter or unit. On this test include all the important facts, concepts,etc. that you will cover. Tell the students this is a pretest that will not count for a grade. Tell them to answer each question or define every term. What will happen is that students will answer with terms and definitions that are plausible and may reflect nave or uninformed knowledge. These incorrect, but plausible responses can be used as distractors when you write multiple items to measure your objectives. Using Matching Items Matching items are best used where you want to measure simple associations, e.g. vocabulary lists, dates, authors, etc. Tell students a choice can be used once, several times or not at all. Create homogeneous lists for column A and B. Dont mix people, places, or things within, or across columns. Put the shorter statements in column B and the longer statements in column A, save reading time. Check for grammar clues, e.g. an, a mix of singular and plural items. There should be no more than ten in a column, with column B having one more choice than the number of items in column A. Using True / False Items. Too much error involved when a student has a 50-50 chance of guessing and getting the correct answer. If you include ten true false on a fifty-item test, you create the potential for getting five items right without knowing any material. This is a 10% error factor on that 50-item test that could lead to a student being moved on without having mastered the material. An alternative would be to have the student replace the false answer with a statement or word that will make it correct. Using supply or Performance Items, including Essay. This includes all assessment that involves students supplying answers, products and performance rather than choosing a correct answer. This type of response is used to get at higher level learning rather than recall, etc. Supply items usually require in-depth responses and because of that are poorly suited for measuring learning where much content is covered at a fairly superficial level. They are well suited for application and reasoning. Construction of Supply Items The key is focusing the item or assignment on the objective being taught. Let someone else who teaches the same material read your assignment or item. Items that appear clear to us are unclear to others, including our students. Break up larger items or assignments into smaller items or tasks. Create a rubric. Creating a rubric will provide clear directions for the students because it will require you to break down the tasks. It will reduce subjectivity in grading because it establishes clear standards for grading. 6= R 5CJOJQJ5>*CJOJQJ56qrST: ; < = R S  & F8 h8 & F8 h8 & F8 h8 & F8 h8 & F8 h856qrST: ; < = R S   2 3 . / 9:                                          @S   2 3 . / 9: & F 8 h8 & F 8 h8 & F8 h88 & F 8 h8  / =!`"`#`$`%|(hh K (hh t2 HK'd"5So Color SW Automatic [4@4NormalCJOJPJQJmH <A@<Default Paragraph Font0"0    9 mS .;Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:What are requirements of Good M              hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo(  @ l 500@GTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial5 Geneva3Times"hKsssE'I !r0d 3What are requirements of Good Multiple Choice Items..bceghijjiigeca```aaabcdccb`^]\\\]]]\\[ZZYYYXXXWWWWWWWWWWWXXXXXYXXWVUTTUVXYZ[[\[ZXVTRPOOPONLIFC?963.)#   degijjkkjigeca```abbcdffedb`_^^^___^^]\\[[[ZZZYXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYZYYXWVVUVWYZ[\\]\[YWUSQPPPPNLIFC?963.)#   fgikklmmkjhfdba``abcdeggfedba``_```__^]]\\\[[[ZZZZZ[[[[ZZ[[[[[\[[ZYXWWWXZ[\]]^]\ZXVTRPPPPNLJGEA;84/)#   hikmmnonmkihfcbaaabbdeghhgfdcbaabbbaa`__^^^]]]\\\\\\\\\\\\[[[\]\\[ZYXWXYZ[[\]]]\ZXVTRPPPONLJIFC=95/)#    Oh+'0   < H T `lt|'4What are requirements of Good Multiple Choice Itemshat.atatNormale.rm1rmMicrosoft Word 8.0t@ޡ @X;@Jqm1@\|;'I  klmnnnnmlkjjigfdcbbcdfhjjihgeedddddcccbbaaa``__^^^^____^^]\\\]^^^]\[[ZZZZ[[[\\\[ZYXVTRQPOMLKKIF@;5/("   jjjjjjiihgghhffedddeeghjihfeccbbcccbbbaa````_^^]\\\]]]]\\[ZZ[[\]]\\\\[\[\\\\]]]\\[ZYWUTSQOMKJGC=82,%   hggffeeddddefefeeeefgghigfdb``_`abbaaa______^\\[ZZYZZZZZZYYXYYZ[[[[[\\]]]]]]^^^^]]\[YXWUTQNKIE@94/*#    fedba`````abcdefffgghhhhfda_]]\^^```__^^]]^]][ZYXWWWWXXWWWWWWWXYZZ[[\]^^^^^^_____^^]\ZZXVROKGB<60,'!   db`^]\\\\]^`acefghiiiihfdb_\[ZZ\\^^^^]\\\\\\[YXWVUUUUUUUUUUUVVWXYYZ[\]^^_`_````````_]\\ZXSOJE?81,($   da_\[ZZZ[\]_aceghijjjihfca^[ZYY[\^^^^]\\\\\\[YXWVUTTTTTTTTUUVVWXYZ[\]^__```````````_^]\ZXSNIC=6/*&"   eb_\[ZZZ[\^`bdfhijkkkjhfca^\[ZZ\]^^^_^]]]]\][ZYXWVUUTTTTTUVVWXYZ[\]^^_`````````````_^\[YWQLGA<5.(%     fca^]\\\]^`acfhjkkllljigcb`^]\\]^___`___^^]^\[ZZYXWWVVVVVVWXZZ\^^_____```````______^][YWTOJEA;5.)%    hfca_^^^`abcehikklllljigdca`____```aaaaa`___^\\\[[ZYXWWWWXYZ\]_aaaaa```````___^^]^]\[YVTQLGD@;6/*&  jhfcbaaabdefgiklllmmljihedccbaabbbbbccccba``_^^_^^]\[ZZZZ[\]^`bdddcba`_____^^^]\[\[ZXVSQNIDB?;7/*&  ljhfedddefghiklmmmmmljihfeeeddddddddeeeedcbba``a``_^]\\\\]^_aceggfdca_^^^^^]]\[ZYXWVTQNLID@?=:6/*&  mljhgfffghijjlmnnnmmljihfffgffggffffggggfedddcbcbba``____`abdfhiihec`^]]]]]\\ZYXVVUSQNKIFA><;85.)% nlkihhhhhijkkmmnnnmmlihhffghhhhhhiihiihhhggffededcbbaaaaaaccegijjhec`][[\\\[[YXVUTRQNKHFC?<:973-($ nmkjiiiiiijklmmnnnmlkihggfghiijjjkkkjjjjiiihhgffedccccccccdeghjkjheb^\ZZZ[ZZYXVUSQONKHECA=:9752,'#   ՜.+,D՜.+,` hp|  '.a: 4What are requirements of Good Multiple Choice Items Title 6> _PID_GUID'AN{B56D4B80-5BEB-11D7-8422-003065A06066} ponmlmmmllmnnoooonmlkjighhhijjkllmmmllllkkkjjihgfeddeeeeeeffhikkjgb^YVTTUVUSRPMKIECA>;:7630/-+(#   qponmmmmmmnooppooonlljihhhiijjkkkllmllllkkjiihgffeddedddddeegikkjfb]YUSSTUTRPMKHFBA?<97530-,)'$!   qpponnnnnnooppppponmlkjiihiijjjjjkklklkkkiihgffeedccdccccccdfhjjifa]XSRRSTRPNKIEC?><97521.+)&$!  qppoooooooppqqqpponmmlkijiiiiiiiiiijjkkkjhgfedddddcbbaabaabcegiihd_[VRPQQRPMKHEA?<;9631/.+(&#   qppoooooooppqqqpponmmlkjjiiiiihhhhhiijjjigfedcccccbaa``````aceggfb]YTONNNOMJGDA=:7641/-+*'$"  popoooooooppqqqpponmmlkjjiiiiihhggghhiiihfedcbbcccba`______`bceec`ZVRLKKKLIFC@=9521/,*('&#!  onooooooooppqqqppnmmllkkkjjjjjhhgffghiiihfedcbbcccba`_^^____abcca]XTOJIHHHFC?<952/-*(&$#"   nmnnnonnnnpppppoonmmlkkkkjjkjjhhgffghhhhgfedcbccccb``_^]^^^_``a`^[VRMHGFEEC@=:72/,*'$"!    llmmmnnnnnooooonnmllkkkjjjjkkkihgfffgghhgedcbbbbccb`_^]\]^^^^__^[XSOKFDCBB@=:740,)&#! jjkllmmmmmnnnnnmmlkkjjjjjjjkjjhgfeeeffffedcbaaaaaa`^]\[Z[[[[[[[ZWTOKGB@?>=;852/+'$! iijkkmmmmmnmmmmllkjjijjjjjijiigfeeedeeeedcba``____^\[ZYXYXXXXXXWTQLHC><;:9741.+'#  hijkklmmmmnmmllkkjjjijjjjiiihhgfeeededddcbb`__^^]]\ZYYXVWVVUUVVUROJEA;987752/,)%  ghijklmnnnmmlkkkjjiiijjjjihhfffeeeedddccaaa`^^\\ZZYWWWVTTSRRRSTSPMGC>865542/,)'"  fghijklmmmmlkjiihhhhhiiiihgfeeddddddcbaa``_^\\ZYWWVUTTTRQOONNPQQMJE@;532220-*'$       "#$%&'(*+,-./03Root Entry4H@8K5A|88HE;8 F"w51Table|y#;@ `8H(}88H9|yA 8H | N|@!aWordDocumentc;pa8`Ka8LKAlal|tpp,Ap,0HSummaryInformation8Happ8p(:T|,A(papp`||:T!|DocumentSummaryInformationaDH8888`hh j) CompObjP T0k|A|P(0Tߥ|1|PT>; >TT`>AX8ObjectPoolKa@HT_ ;;Hh,"w"w:8Ka8`8Kep8H9;@W>|A_:;Hߨ;K( A$yb8L8K?`T A81 FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8    JKLMOQSTUVVUTSQNMKJIIIJKNPSUWXWVTQOMJHFDCBBA?>=;:75420-*(%#! ##"!